Everyone seems to have an opinion on how tattoo aftercare should work.
I enjoy putting out my experiences and processes that I go through for mere informational purposes. I wish someone would have done it for me when I was starting out and I think finding someone with level headed advice would be great to get an opinion from.
But over the past couple of years as I have been exposed to a list of different procedures, methods, ideals, and processes I’ve come to realize that there is no one way.
Everyone wants the one way to get big arms, or the one supplement to make them huge, or the best way to heal their tattoo. All the same question with different desired results attached.
My parents and various individuals around me were against me getting tattoos. I wanted to prove that not only would I get the best tattoos from the best artist, but I would heal them the best as well.
I remember spending easily 3-4 days going through the internet trying to fine the one solution to tattoo aftercare. I wanted to know the tattoo healing process inside and out.
Eventually, I decided to create this blog to share my ideas and personal experiences with those of you who are going through exactly what I went through and I would like to share a couple of truths with you today.
Truth #1
Everyone’s body is different
This goes for literally everything that occurs to our bodies, we heal differently, we react differently, we are all different. Just because one thing works for me does not mean it will work for you. So take everything with a grain of salt and act on what you believe would work best for you.
Truth #2
If you are having trouble healing your tattoo there are Do’s and Don’ts.
Don’t: Come to me, your friends, or the internet to solve a medical issue. This is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered medical advice.
Do: Go to either the shop that you got the tattoo from and if that person is not reliable seek out a medical professional for advice.
Truth #3
There is no one way to the tattoo healing process
Everyone has their own tips, tricks, and advice when it comes to who you should get your tattoo from, how they should tattoo you, and how you should take care of it. It’s up to you to use your judgment, knowledge, and intuition to take care of your own body. Seek out what you believe is right and do that.
In the end, there is no truth, everything is dependent on the situation and person in question. What you should get out of this is there are concrete resource you can.
If you can’t trust/use those sources, use what god gave you to figure out what the next best thing for you to do is.
Good Luck.